Got a Burning Question? Ask Ally and She Will Answer!

Alison Macdonald Bullion.Directory

Former gold shill turned good guy, life-long Glaswegian Alison Macdonald has worked in the gold industry for 14 years, with deep insider knowledge gained from her time spent behind the gilded curtain.

Whether you’re curious about broad investment strategies or seeking detailed insights, Ask Ally is your destination for honest, unfiltered and straightforward answers. Sometimes too honest.

While our lawyers insist she won’t name names, she knows where the proverbial bodies are buried and is in a deeply confessional mood. Ally’s rich experience and candid style mean she’s more than ready to share her insights and the less-known intricacies of the gold world…

Looking for answers? Why not Ask Ally?

    By submitting your question using the form above, you grant Bullion.Directory the right to publish it on our website, accompanied by Alison Macdonald’s response. Rest assured, we respect your privacy: only your first name and your location (state/city or country) will be displayed. No other personal or identifiable information will be published. The responses provided by ‘Ask Ally’ are strictly for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Alison Macdonald’s insights and opinions are based on her personal experience and knowledge of the gold industry and should not be taken as professional financial guidance. Before making any investment decisions, we strongly recommend consulting with a qualified financial advisor. Bullion.Directory and Alison Macdonald are not liable for any financial actions taken based on the information provided in this service.